At IZ Emporium, we take security seriously and are committed to safeguarding the information and privacy of our customers. This page outlines our security policy and provides guidance for responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.

Responsible Disclosure Policy

We encourage security researchers to report any vulnerabilities they discover on our platform in a responsible manner. Responsible disclosure allows us to address and resolve issues promptly while minimizing potential risks to our users.

If you discover a vulnerability, please:

We are committed to working with security researchers to verify, resolve, and acknowledge issues promptly.




Our Commitment

When you report a vulnerability to us, we commit to:

Reporting Vulnerabilities

To report a vulnerability, please email with the following details:

For secure communication, use our PGP key to encrypt your message.


We value and appreciate the contributions of the security community. Researchers who responsibly disclose vulnerabilities may be acknowledged on our Acknowledgements page.


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